Here is precious little Ryan at 9 months old! (You can view her in a previous post HERE.)
She is so stinkin' cute! She totally flirts with her gorgeous smile...

She can stand up on her own too, as long as she has something to hold onto. Ryan will probably be walking super early!

I just love this one.

Amy is so fun to watch with her little girl... they both have the best smiles.

Cabbage patch!


The fam...

Thanks so much for having me guys! Can't wait till you can come back out again :)
Amy's kid is so cute. Karey... i don't know how you do it but you constantly blow me away! Great job.
Oh my gosh, what a cutie! You did such a great job! She just has the cutest expressions.
holy smokes she's a dollface! beautiful work karey!
ryan must get her good looks from her mom....
You're the best Karey!
Love love love this series! Makes me anticipate more for the coming of our new baby pretty soon!
TQ for sharing.
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