Friday, December 7, 2007

Pizza Partaayyy

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This week I went to Leather Craftsmen's Pizza Party up in Universal City with my friend Rachel Williams and had so much fun! Leather Craftsmen is my album binder and they do such an amazing job of not only making a super great product but also creating opportunities for photographers to generate community. I met Jessica Claire there who is a freaking awesome photographer that I admire, so that was pretty cool. AND I ran into Becker, another awesome photographer, who's Party of 5 class I took earlier this summer and he helped me out SOOO much it was incredible. I kind of "borrowed" this picture off of his BLOG :) That would include me, Robert Evans and Rachel. (sidenote about his site: the intro includes his studio and looks how it does as if you were to walk into it.) Robert did a seminar at the Pictage conference in LA that I attended and he blew me away with his knowledge, generosity in sharing that knowledge, and ability to produce breathtaking images. He was the gracious host for the get-together at his studio, and I was going through every album of his I could find! They were all just beautiful works of art and simply inspiring.

I'm working on redoing my album designs for this next year so stay tuned!! There will be some fun new options in the works :)

Hasta Luego!

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